Thursday, November 28, 2019

Acid Rain Essays (1840 words) - Inorganic Solvents, Acid Rain

Acid Rain annon INTRODUCTION: Acid rain is a great problem in our world. It causes fish and plants to die in our waters. As well it causes harm to our own race as well, because we eat these fish, drink this water and eat these plants. It is a problem that we must all face together and try to get rid of. However acid rain on it's own is not the biggest problem. It cause many other problems such as aluminum poisoning. Acid Rain is deadly. WHAT IS ACID RAIN? Acid rain is all the rain, snow, mist etc that falls from the sky onto our planet that contains an unnatural acidic. It is not to be confused with uncontaminated rain that falls, for that rain is naturally slightly acidic. It is caused by today's industry. When products are manufactured many chemicals are used to create it. However because of the difficulty and cost of properly disposing of these products they are often emitted into the atmosphere with little or no treatment. The term was first considered to be important about 20 years ago when scientists in Sweden and Norway first believed that acidic rain may be causing great ecological damage to the planet. The problem was that by the time that the scientist found the problem it was already very large. Detecting an acid lake is often quite difficult. A lake does not become acid over night. It happens over a period of many years, some times decades. The changes are usually to gradual for them to be noticed early. At the beginning of the 20th century most rivers/lakes like the river Tovdal in Norway had not yet begun to die. However by 1926 local inspectors were noticing that many of the lakes were beginning to show signs of death. Fish were found dead along the banks of many rivers. As the winters ice began to melt off more and more hundreds upon hundreds more dead fish (trout in particular) were being found. It was at this time that scientist began to search for the reason. As the scientists continued to work they found many piles of dead fish, up to 5000 in one pile, further up the river. Divers were sent in to examine the bottom of the rivers. What they found were many more dead fish. Many live and dead specimens were taken back to labs across Norway. When the live specimens were examined they were found to have very little sodium in their blood. This is typical a typical symptom of acid poisoning. The acid had entered the gills of the fish and poisoned them so that they were unable to extract salt from the water to maintain their bodies sodium levels. Many scientist said that this acid poising was due to the fact that it was just after the winter and that all the snow and ice was running down into the streams and lakes. They believed that the snow had been exposed to many natural phenomena that gave the snow it's high acid content. Other scientists were not sure that this theory was correct because at the time that the snow was added to the lakes and streams the Ph levels would change from around 5.2 to 4.6. They believed that such a high jump could not be attributed to natural causes. They believed that it was due to air pollution. They were right. Since the beginning of the Industrial revolution in England pollution had been affecting all the trees,soil and rivers in Europe and North America. However until recently the loses of fish was contained to the southern parts of Europe. Because of the constant onslaught of acid rain lakes and rivers began to lose their ability to counter act their affects. Much of the alkaline elements; such as calcium and limestone; in the soil had been washed away. It is these lakes that we must be worried about for they will soon become extinct. A fact that may please fishermen is that in lakes/rivers they tend to catch older and larger fish. This may please them in the short run however they will soon have to change lakes for the fish supply will die quickly in these lakes. The problem is that acid causes difficulties the fish's reproductive system. Often fish born in acid lakes do not survive for they are born with birth defects such as twisted and deformed spinal columns. This is a sign that they are unable to extract enough calcium from the water to fully develop their bone. These young soon

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pan the Goat-Footed Greek God

Pan the Goat-Footed Greek God Pan- or Faunus in Roman mythology- is the noisy goat-footed god of the Greeks. He looks after shepherds and woods, is a capable musician, and invented the instrument named after him- panpipes. He leads the nymphs in dances and stirs up panic. He is worshiped in Arcadia and is associated with sexuality. Pan's Family of Origin Pan was born in Arcadia. There are various versions of the birth of Pan. In one, his parents are Zeus and Hybris. In another, the most common version, his father is Hermes; his mother, a nymph. In another version of his birth, Pans parents are Penelope, wife of Odysseus and her mate, Hermes or, possibly, Apollo. In the bucolic Greek poet of the third century B.C. Theocritus, Odysseus is his father. Attributes of Pan The attributes or symbols associated with Pan are woods, pastures, and the syrinx- a flute. He is depicted with goats feet and two horns and wearing a lynx-pelt. In the Pan painters vase, a goat-headed and tailed young Pan pursues a youth. Pan's Death In Plutarchs Moralia, he reports a rumor about the death of Pan, who as a god, couldnt die, at least in principle. Sources Ancient sources for Pan include Apollodorus, Cicero, Euripides, Herodotus, Hyginus, Nonnius, Ovid, Pausanias, Pindar, Plato, Statius, and Theocritus. Timothy Gantz Early Greek Myths itemizes many details about the Pan traditions.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The US. V. Mexican War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The US. V. Mexican War - Essay Example In the end, it may be said that Grant's statement of an unjust war was either warranted, or not warranted at all. The purpose of this assignment will to do just what Grant addresses. Uncover whether or not, through the eyes of various sources, try and uncover whether or not the US v. Mexican, or also known as the Mexican-American, War was one which was just in occurring, or should not have occurred in the first place. In addressing this conflict, it is crucial to understand its roots. It would be during this war that Mexico would loose control over what we know as present day California, all the way to Texas. According to "The Us-Mexican War" website, the war would last between the two nations from 1846 until 1848. It is in this website which readers can view different details about various war participants, and hopefully be able to conjure up an opinion(s) of their own about whether or not Grant was right about whether or not this war was just or unjust. The first line of the Manifest Destiny section is very telling. It states, "No nation ever existed without some sense of national destiny or purpose," (Manifest: Intro). In a way alludes to the idea of a destiny being fulfilled for both Mexico, as well as the United States. As you can very easily learn in a high school history class, manifest destiny is a term which was used around the time of the mid 18th century by foreign leaders in describing the desire of the United States to expand it's territory. In a way, the US was creating its future through the actions of the present. As for US opinion was, the section goes on to say that, "The people of the United States felt it was their mission to extend the 'boundaries of freedom' to others by imparting their idealism and belief in democratic institutions to those who were capable of self-government. It excluded those people who were perceived as being incapable of self-government, such as Native American people and those of non-Europ ean origin," (Manifest: Intro). Here right from the start is the clue that some in power in the US, and even outside as well, would see this conflict as just in proving it's ability to control not only its own borders, but its neighboring borders as well. In gauging the rightfulness of the war, it is also important to point out any discord inside Mexico itself on the part of its people. The section entitled "The Divisions in Mexico during the War with the United States", author Miguel Soto of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico writes of how the country was battling all kinds of unrest in areas such as economics, as well as social. This was occurring, or had been occurring, during the time, which the country was moving closer to war with the United States. Like all countries that were given the opportunity, Mexico so desired its chance for independence from the colony, which governed it. In a double-edged sword type of move, the author talks of how when Mexico was given its independence, it came in a form of government which still had some of the same rules and policies that made it no different than when they were under colonial control. Goes on to talk of political issues and the alluding to have military rebellious behavio r being the norm for handling issues. Not too different than what you hear from those today who lived in Mexico as younger persons, but for one reason or the other came to the United States. After surveying the Mexican government, it now becomes